Die Netzwerkverkabelung hat im Laufe der Jahre tief greifende Änderungen durchlaufen und macht einen großen Sprung nach vorn zu hoch Geschwindigkeits Faserkabeln. Aber in einigen Fällen, Kupfer Twinax Kabel, zB SFP+ Kabel oder SFP + DAC Twinax Kabel noch als eine optimierte Lösung für 10-GbE-Anwendungen über kurze Strecken. Dieser Beitrag stellt einige grundlegende Informationen über SFP + DAC-Kabel und Überlegungen für die Bereitstellung von 10 Gigabit-Ethernet-SFP +-Kabel. SFP +...
Passive SFP+ Direct Attach Kupfer (DAC)-Kabel oder SFP+ zu SFP+ passive Kupferkabel sind 10-Gb-Kabelkonfektionen. Die Kabel entsprechen den SFF-8431-Spezifikationen und ermöglichen die Verbindung zwischen Geräten mit SFP+ -Ports. Und diese Kabel verwenden modernste Signalverarbeitungstechnologie, um den wachsenden Bedarf an kosteneffektiven Rechenzentrumsverbindungen zu decken. Warum würden Sie passives SFP+-Kabel wählen? Informationen zu passiven SFP+ -DAC-Kabeln werden in diesem Artikel...
20. May 2018
Auf dem Markt gibt es sowohl Cat5e Patchpanel als auch Cat6 Patchpanel. Wir wissen, dass Cat5e-Patch-Panels für die Verwendung mit Cat5e-Kabeln vorgesehen sind und Cat6-Patchpanels für die Verwendung mit Cat6-Kabeln, aber was ist der Unterschied zwischen Cat5e- und Cat6-Patch-Panels? Kann ich ein Cat6-Kabel an Cat5e-Schalttafeln verwenden oder kann ich Cat5e-Kabel an Cat6-Schalttafeln verwenden? Antworten werden in diesem Blog zur Verfügung gestellt.
Ethernet switch · 09. January 2018
An Ethernet switch acts as a bridge to connect different parts of a network together. Although many routers also possess the network switching capabilities and multiple Ethernet ports, the Ethernet switch is not the replacement for routers. It is worth emphasizing that Ethernet switches are smarter than routers in that they operate at the data link layer (Layer 2) and the network layer (Layer 3) of the OSI Reference Model and therefore support any packet protocol. Ideally, switches will make...
fiber optical cable · 05. January 2018
An optical fiber cable uses light wave for voice and data transmission, its data transmission capacity is 4.5 times more than conventional copper cables. So in the past several decades, we have seen that fiber optic cables are superior to traditional copper twisted-pair cable or coaxial cable because of its unique physical characteristics, allowing information to travel at speeds increasingly approaching the speed of light without interference between adjacent wavelengths. In leading market,...
28. December 2017
In the early stage of optical fiber communication, one optical fiber can only transmit signals of one wavelength. This is known as conventional two-fiber Bi-Directional communication - at least two fibers are needed to accomplish the full-duplex communication with TX and RX optical signals. With the development of WDM technology, transmitting and receiving of optical signals on separate wavelength can be achieved through only one single fiber. This single fiber BiDi transmission gradually...
13. December 2017
SFP-GE-S-2 and GLC-SX-MM are Cisco 1000BASE-SX SFP multimode fiber transceivers. Since there are similar specifications for these two multimode modules, many end users may be confused when choosing a multimode fiber SFP LC connector SX transceiver for their Cisco switches. So, are they the same one? This post intends to give a simple explanation of SFP-GE-S-2 vs. GLC-SX-MM.
06. December 2017
Small Form-factor Pluggable (SFP) is a compact, hot-pluggable transceiver used for both telecommunication and data communications applications. It is also called mini-GBIC for its smaller size, which is the upgraded version of GBIC transceiver. These 1Gb SFP modules are capable of supporting speeds up to 4.25 Gbps. And they are most often used for Fast Ethernet of Gigabit Ethernet applications. It interfaces a network device motherboard (for a switch, router, media converter or similar device)...
01. December 2017
With the increasing demands for higher capacity, more diversity and more personalization of services, the capacity and versatility of access networks needs to be expanded. Passive optical network (PON), as a major technology of FTTH, offers point-to-multipoint (P2MP) network access with lower installation and maintenance costs. EPON (Ethernet PON) and GPON (Gigabit PON) are popular versions of PONs at present. The related technologies keep developing and meanwhile the market of PON components...
Ethernet switch · 22. November 2017
Due to the increased requirements for IP surveillance networks, the appearance of PoE switches give you an easy way to add PoE devices to the network. They are ideal for small business networks that need to inexpensively use PoE to deploy wireless access points, VoIP phones and IP cameras. The PoE switch models are available with 4, 8, 16, 24 or 48 ports, although other variants are also available. 24 port PoE switch is the most prevalent variant on the market. So why your network needs a...